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Weekly Lunar Horoscope

LUNAR ARIES - This week, Lunar Aries, all of your hard work as of late is finally going to pay off. Whether related to your personal or professional life, you are about to be recognized for your hard work.

LUNAR TAURUS - This week, tension between you and someone close is starting to boil over, Lunar Taurus. The key to resolution is to find common ground even if they do things in a different way than you.

LUNAR GEMINI - Potent energies of love, attraction and romance enter your house this week, Lunar Gemini. You are especially attractive to others.

LUNAR CANCER - Find your inner teacher this week, Lunar Cancer, and listen to this inner voice of yours. You have much to teach yourself and all you have to do is harness this energy and listen.

LUNAR LEO - Things are changing fast in your professional or work life this week, Lunar Leo, and you have some amazing opportunities opening up in front of you.

LUNAR VIRGO - This week is a time of nostalgia, Lunar Virgo. The universe encourages you to connect with your roots, particularly your grandparents.

LUNAR LIBRA - This week, Lunar Libra, energies of intuition enter your house making this an opportune time for you to let your “gut” guide you in the right direction.

LUNAR SCORPIO - Lunar Scorpio, this week the spotlight is on your relationships. Old friends and past connections may resurface, bringing with them a blend of nostalgia and unresolved feelings.

LUNAR SAGITTARIUS - You may be frustrated this week, Lunar Sagittarius, because you feel ready to move on in some way in your life, but you are struggling to do so.

LUNAR CAPRICORN - You will have a strong sense of justice this week, Lunar Capricorn, which you can use to help others and put things right where you see wrongs.

LUNAR AQUARIUS - This week your connection with animals will take on a new dimension, Lunar Aquarius. You may find that your understanding of them deepens, and you feel a communication beyond the usual.

LUNAR PISCES - Lunar Pisces, this week calls for an open and honest conversation with a parent or sibling. A clear and heart-to-heart conversation is the path towards resolution.

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